I Hate To Have To Say It… AGAIN… (but)


No, this is nothing new.  I’ve been in on the ground floor (no pun) of this since the day the government decided that murdering it’s citizens was the best way of starting yet another unpopular war.  The idea is not a new one, as the oligarchs of the New World Order have consistently used false flags as their primary money-making instrument throughout history.

The posting of revelatory videos and websites exposing the bullshit that governments ploy in order to fasten control over the people is increasing… and the naysayers are becoming fewer and fewer.  Really, to actually believe the bullshit is to reveal just how simple you are!  No, you’re not a “trusting” person or anything so innocuous, you’re just plain STUPID.

In fact, given all the evidence there is to disprove the “official story”, it should be a crime to even defend this crap!  A charge of treason for the instigators and aiding and abetting traitors should be punished accordingly.  Treason, in many cases, is punishable by death.

We all know who was in power at that time.  Names like Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell… not to mention all of the financial and business tycoons, the Morgans, Rockefellers, Rothschilds… ALL should be taken out and SHOT.  This, of course, will never happen as their control over the judiciary and military forces precludes any attempt to take them by force.  God, of course, will deal with them in the end, however, the likelihood of them ever being brought to account before that time is pretty much nil.

This video shows just one area that doesn’t survive serious scrutiny, there are many other facets of the grand lie that can’t stand even a cursory glance without falling apart at the seams.  The elitists played on the hope that most would not even dream that their beloved government would sacrifice them in their ambitions to be world masters, and, for a time, that looked pretty evident.  However, the times they are a-changing.  Nowadays, it’s getting harder to be a naysayer without looking like a total fool.

A reference was made to this being considered a second Pearl Harbor, which was, itself, another false flag designed to get America into yet another money-making war.  Some time ago, I made reference to another site which aptly named this scenario painted in the video called “Operation Pearl”.  This will go into much more detail about the plane swaps and the eventual demise of the passengers.  Rest assured, they are all dead.  The New World Order doesn’t allow for loose ends.

A message to all those that would seek to destroy freedom and silence those that stand against them, and those that would aid and abet… you are attempting an impossibility!  You fight not against mortal flesh, you arrogant, egotistical sons of bitches, you are fighting God and He won’t recognize your worldly status and influence.  He laughs at your pretended power!  You will try to silence those like me that proclaim your guilt, but, in the end, the truth always surfaces and there is nothing that you can do to stop that.  Where you push down some dissenter, like a troublesome weed, another grows in his/her place, elsewhere.  Your master, Satan, is a loser!  He lost his bid to destroy Christ and now, like yourselves, he awaits death at the hands of his maker.

Recently, one of the money-mad oligarchs, David Rockefeller, met his end as all mortals must.  His wealth and influence couldn’t save his old and wizened ass from the reaper’s sickle.  This old devil now sleeps in preparation for his place in the gigantic bonfire that will comprise all those that sought to destroy in order to further their own evil designs.  Death is the price for unrepentance.  Death is the end for evil!

This is a solemn example for those of us left… none of us are above temptation, no matter what our station in life.  Let the death of the “New World Order” forever remind us there is a God in Heaven… a righteous and vengeful God, Whom will no longer suffer evil to prosper.

UPDATE: (April 1/2017)  Well, it didn’t take long for the New Age assholes to contrive another fable to amp up their bullshit story on 9/11… read it!  http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/9-11-pentagon-attacks-unseen-photos-release-fbi-september-2001-a7660776.html

Lol… they’ll never quit!  But… you need to ask yourself if you are REALLY as stupid as they think you are to keep believing their lies?


Hypocrisy In Toronto


Dupes Of Zionism

Raise your hand, if you’re like me and are getting fucking sick and tired of the racist bullshit that the Zionist banking cabal is fomenting in the world against those that dare to resist their absolute rule over the world economy!

This uprising is a prime example of Zionist intolerance and should be dealt with on the same level as would any seditious action against a democratic institution would be dealt with.  It is high treason and these Zionist dupe/nut-jobs need to be jailed, at least overnight, where they can have a chance to cool off and consider just what kind of bondage and servitude they are bowing to.

The international banking cartel, comprised of Khazarian Jews, seeks to establish their rule through the insertion of central banking institutions in every country.  So far, they have been highly successful, with only a very few countries that do not have one of these pilfering institutions controlling the taxation and issuance of inflation-prone notes as currency within their borders.  In fact, it is the relatively few hold-outs that are considered as terrorist havens and subject to invasion by dupe superpowers seeking to ‘democratize’ them.

Canada has long been a patsy for Zionism.  These protesters have no inkling of the racism and bigotry that they are promoting by standing against one of the few groups that are hindering their TOTAL and ABSOLUTE take-over by fat cat, Satan-worshiping, international thieves with their sights set on total world governance.  Would they be so bold if it were Judaism that they considered seditious?  Not fucking likely!  Those kind of protests are dealt with quickly and absolutely!  It’s been said that if you want to know who is running things in the country, simply find out what it is that you are not allowed to criticize.  No one dares touch Jews without paying the penalty!

Anyone with any sense of true history knows the malevolent influence that Judaism has had in EVERY country that they have been allowed to establish themselves in.  It’s no surprise, either, the influence Israel has with the superpowers of the world and how we all come-a-runnin’ to help her out whenever she feels some sort of slight has been given her by either Islamic or Christian foes… and yes, Christianity is the OTHER opponent that stands in Zionism’s way of total global governance!  It’s not only allowable, it’s quite fashionable to attack the religion of Christ, these days.  BUT… YOU DON’T FUCKING TOUCH PRECIOUS ISRAEL!!!

Jewish Ass-kissers

These are the last days of Earth’s long and torturous journey from the Garden of Eden, when Satan first told Adam that he was essentially above the law of God and was capable of governing himself.  Of course, the devil really meant that Adam would be serving HIM.  Today, we all of us in our ‘free’ lands are actually slaves of those that have personally avowed to serve Lucifer.  (They fail to understand that Satan and Lucifer are ONE!)

God is fast losing patience with these oligarchical bastards and their doom is written by a bloodless hand upon the wall of history.  It would behoove any nation daring to call itself a champion of freedom and right to throw these seditious fucks out on their fat, elitist asses, and/or hang them for high treason.  Of course, that won’t happen, the deception has been entrenched for too long and too deeply in the minds of the people.  That won’t change the fact that these money-changing SOB’s and all that support them are going to pay the ultimate penalty for seeking to overthrow God and His government.

More Holocaust Bullshit…

Jewish Ass-kissers

It never ends.  Now, apparently, Jews were the only casualties during the Second World War, because, you NEVER hear about anyone else BUT them!

Considering that the figures given for the amount of casualties are actually correct, they are still minority in comparison with all of the other ethnic groups that fell victim to the rich asshole bankers’ scheme to make themselves trillionaires in record time.  But, of course, IT’S ALL ABOUT THEM.

Read this article and see how minority groups have the upper hand in a society ostensibly structured for rule by a majority.  Think that’s some coincidence or something?  Not bloody likely!  It’s what the bankers want and what the bankers want, they get!  Yes, it’s now possible to be the worst deviant in society and society is obligated to carry your load.

This isn’t about picking on Jews, it’s about the inordinate favor that they court when others have just as many rights as they do, but, in order for political correctness to be served, these and those deviant fringes of society’s rights must trump (no pun) the rights of others.  For example, how many rights do white Anglo Saxons and Europeans have that are paramount or even considered… especially white Christian males… these days?  On the other hand, it’s open season on these!  One can criticize them all they want and feel no repercussions, because, that’s what’s okay and socially hip to do.

Criticize a Jew?  You’re dead.  Criticize a faggot?  You’re dead.  Criticize a nigger or an Indian?  Same.  Am I a racist?  Never used to be.  However, when a certain group sets itself up above all the others, as the aforementioned have and or are trying to do, racism breeds pretty fast!  Where before I merely accepted those of color and ethnic diversity, now I view them with suspicion and distrust… sometimes even hatred.  That’s what the Illuminati wants for society, to set it against itself.  Create discord and then offer a ‘solution’… a global, one-world/society oligarchy run by them.

Diversity is a good thing, not something to be abhorred as the ultra-rich asshole elitists would like you to believe.  They disdain sovereignty because it flies in the face of centralized government and unilateral, ultimate CONTROL.  Universities are prime left-wing, communistic breeding centres and preach all forms of psychopolitical dogma that the Illuminati developed for total world domination.  That’s why we see lenient justice systems that persecute those that don’t cooperate with their schemes and offer help to those that would only weaken the fabric of our society’s Christian underpinnings.

The more ridiculous and specious the idea, the better chance you have of having it fly in a society that is rabidly leftist.  It’s all going to collapse, someday, however, there WILL be a time of chaos in which nearly all of the dreams of the anti-social will come to fruition.  The Bible speaks of a coming “time of trouble” which will see society being dissolved into a politically correct cesspool where right and wrong is reduced to mere perspective.  Those that fail to adhere to the “New World Order” will be deemed troublemakers and in many cases slated for annihilation.

God will bring it all to ruin, this is fact.  Satan and his cohorts and sympathizers and lackeys will all be destroyed.  The justice that many now cry for will come, but, as with any corrective process, it’s going to be done over time.  It’s always easier to fuck things up than correct them and this is something that the politically correct will always prove as fact.

For now, we have a new ‘elite’ in society… in this order: Jews, homosexuals, criminals.  Much like the pyramid that the oligarchs have for symbolizing their hierarchy… with the “all-seeing-eye” of Satan nestled at the top.


*Editor’s Note: Here’s an interesting article with a different perspective on what happened to propel the world into the money-making, land-grabbing, sovereignty-destroying event known as World War Two… (I apologize for the site content this story is located at, however, this is what we are reduced to in getting at the truth in this day and age.  The modern mainstream media is totally bought and paid for and one has to go deep underground to get at any semblance of the truth.)


Given the penchant for lying and murder the mammon-worshiping filth disguised as human beings have, this seems much more plausible than the official historical version that we all accepted without question as youngsters growing up under the oligarchs.  It was in the best interests of the international bankers to create martyrs of their own people to set up this grand charade, aided by the dupes in the then League of Nations.  It’s modern version, the United nations, continues with this practice, invading and subjugating sovereign nations, murdering it’s leaders and citizens, all in the pretense of creating a better world, whilst making tons of money for their Jewish masters.

Should You Pay Income Tax?

If you want to stay out of jail, you’d better!

As these folks found out the hard way.  Click here.

What’s really ironic in all of this is that they are right.  After all, the people that founded this nation vehemently OPPOSED any form of tax on income.  The greedy parasitical international bankers have incessantly strove to install their corporate money-changing houses in every country for centuries.  Now, nearly every country sports a central PRIVATE bank.  America has it’s ‘Federal Reserve’ and Canada it’s “Bank of Canada”.  Interestingly enough, any country that has managed to oppose the oligarchs from establishing their gold-siphoning apparatuses within them are now deemed as terrorist countries.

The Zionist bastards that surreptitiously and ILLEGALLY brought in the income tax, ostensibly to offset the cost of them waging war (upon countries that wouldn’t let them sink their financial hooks into them) while at the same time promising that it would only be a TEMPORARY tax that would be lifted once hostilities ceased.  Ha!  Like they ever planned to honor that promise!

Of course, most of us alive today have grown up under these fascist bastards’ oppressive taxation, so to even think that a world without income tax is feasible is ludicrous.  Such is the mindset of the slave!  The slaves turn upon anyone that dares to THINK outside of the cage that we are all in, and this is precisely what happened with Paradigm Education Group.  I’ve known and do know some of the folks in this group and can say that they are among the finest people I’ve ever met.  Many would give you the shirt off of their back, which is a lot more than I can say for Revenue Canada, which is merely a collection agent for the Rothschild/Morgan banking cartel.

Yes, it’s all very legal, income taxation is law in Canada.  Does that make it right?  Well, when you’re the guy WITH ALL THE GUNS and public (sheep) opinion on your side, YOU make the law!  On the other hand, all that Paradigm ever did was educate people about taxation (which you will never get from ANY amount of schooling in the public school system) and how to divide up what is taxable income from what isn’t.  Recently I heard of a waitress being fined something like $75,000 for undisclosed income, (tips) and those cocksuckers at Revenue Rothschild are going to collect every penny if it takes her the rest of her life to pay it.

“Oh, we NEED taxes to help pay for the roads!”, some ignorant dumbass is wont to tell you.  HA!  If you saw the state of the fucking roads in this fucking province, you’d soon see the fucking bullshit behind THAT sentiment!  The money collected from taxation goes directly to overseas banks, namely in England, the center of the world’s financial empire.  The enclave that sits dead center in London City proper is comparable to that fictional Star Wars city, Mos Eisley, (spelling?) that “most wretched hive of villainy and scum” as uttered by the sagely Obe Wan Kenobi to his young student Luke Skywalker.

Paradigm was a legitimate company dedicated to helping people, as opposed to Revenue Canada, which is merely a giant leech, just like it’s American counterpart, the Internal Revenue Service.  Both are Rothschild companies, agents commissioned to rob from the poor and give to the rich – THEM.  Now, these decent folk are being made examples of and their own have betrayed them!  Fuck this country!  It’s getting exactly what it deserves!

Do I pay taxes?  Oh yes, they are taken from me before I ever see a CENT from my work, they’ve been successful in engineering that!  Most people, today, have taxes deducted from their paycheques, it’s how the money-grubbing assholes assure themselves of getting their ill-gotten booty.  What they cannot control, however, is when people contract business among themselves and say NOTHING to the government.  Only those with serious mental issues would voluntarily contract with the government on ANYTHING!  There is nothing immoral about withholding money from the government, hell, they offer their own schemes for tax deductions.

So why all the fuss?  Simple.  You’re (they – the people of Paradigm) not allowed to dictate terms for your own life or accrue any wealth that they cannot control.  In fact, the system is designed to keep them wealthy and YOU POOR.  Elitists like to remain apart from the rest of the herd.  They’ll never tell you their taxation scheme is largely voluntary and they’ll threaten and jail anyone that they think might be getting close to raising some sort of awareness to their con game.

Well, a few stepped out and put their necks on the block and got their heads lopped off.  Smug, stupid, ignorant assholes criticize what they don’t understand.  Someone squealed like the little fat Zionist-loving pig/shill they are and ratted out Paradigm and Porisky.  What they don’t realize is that they only helped solidify a social wrong.  The government would turn on them as fast as they did those folks at Paradigm.  It’s an insatiable monster and will never stop sucking the blood of hard-working people, whilst serving the interests of rich fat cats in high places.

They came for Paradigm… they came for Russ Porisky… and soon they’ll be coming for you!!!


So another young life is ruined by the ambitions of ultra-rich psychopathic bastards bent upon world domination!  Well, people never seem to catch on to the schemes of international bankers and industrialists, the Jewish cabal and their political puppets and shills.  The young are always signing up in droves thinking that the war that they’re throwing themselves into has some real glory to it.  In the end, they come back in pieces, if at all.

What will it take?  Even scenes like these have no impact on idealistic youngsters trained up in the propaganda of the imperialists.  People still participate in useless elections, thinking that they actually have a say in anything that goes on… what a delusion!  Instead of boycotting these circuses and throwing the politicians out on their fat, opportunistic asses, people flock like herd animals to obey the whims of their elitist masters.

The only thing that can be done will never be done.  Society as a whole is in tatters.  We shall continue to have scenes like these played out over and over.  The Illuminati rules this world’s nations and they won’t stop till they’re stopped by divine intervention.

Break out the bandages and body bags, folks, and keep the supply of fools coming!

The Two Titanics

I’m not a believer in coincidences and this movie, made in 1980, is an example of what I mean.  While the story of the Titanic is pretty much known to everyone, except perhaps to those of the last two generations, few really understand what really happened that night, back in 1912.

This movie, while shot full of errors, still serves as a reminder of what men are wiling to do in order to get power.  The “unsinkable” ship was to be a testimony to man’s ingenuity and infallibility.  It was also a vehicle to bring in a new order of things.  One particular scene is iconic as it showcases not one but TWO different events designed to usher in a millennia-old concept of world domination through the unity of all nations.  This has been the goal of an elitist cadre since the days of Babylon the great.

In the scene where the salvaged ship is towed into New York harbor, it’s original destination when on it’s maiden voyage, 114 years ago, it is seen passing by the two World Trade Center towers.  These, two, would be utilized as a means of entering the world into a new world order of things.  This can be seen at approximately the 1 hour, 40 minute mark in the video.  How fitting… and decidedly devious of those in control of things, to engineer this!  See, the self-proclaimed elite are quite confidant… arrogant, actually, in that they feel they are quite beyond the reach of anyone to thwart their plans.  This would be true, of course, were it up to mortal men to stop them.

While the Titanic disaster was engineered to murder the opponents of centralized banking in America, a means to control the economy of it and all other developing countries, the planned ‘attacks’ against New York on Sept. 11, 2001, was to be the catalyst to gaining control over those countries not in support of any global conglomerate.  Sovereignty is a hateful word in the lexicon of the elitist.  Any form of non-compliance and/or independence has no place in the world envisioned by the power-mad.

It’s becoming well known, now, that 9/11 was a joint operation between Israel’s Mossad and Britain and the US.  However, the Titanic’s role in establishing the New World Order isn’t so well known.  With their own private bank controlling the nation’s money and debt by creating even more debt, the Jewish international bankers were then able to use the industrial might of the US to enforce globalist dictates, world-wide.  However, there were opponents to this scheme and they had to be dealt with.  Prominent US and international industrialists and bankers were given tickets to ride this new wonder of the seas, unaware that this was to be their final voyage anywhere.  Along with these, the elitists were willing to send thousands of innocent citizens down into the abyss along with their intended targets.  This is the true character of the mammon-worshiper.

Just as with the thousands that were sacrificed in New York almost 100 years later, the Titanic made it possible for an ages-old plan to be started.  This is NOT merely a matter of greedy men wanting it all, it involves a controversy that stems back to other worlds, a fight between supernatural entities.  Satan, the devil, controls the minds and thoughts of these elitists.  Through them, he designs to have the throne of God, Himself, by usurping His authority on Earth.  He thinks that by unifying the nations of Earth, that, at the very least, he can control the populations, even enforce his dictates through his unwitting slaves, those elitists.  As Nimrod of old designed to build his tower and great city, so do the dupes of Satan believe that they can rise above God in power and authority.

Ah, too bad, though, so many thoroughly-modern dupes believe that man is merely an accident of nature, defying all reason and common sense with senseless theories of so-called “evolution”, denying the reality that man is the result of intelligent thought and purpose.  How easy it is, then, to justify the wrongs that men perpetuate daily, when they claim evolution is an ongoing process and that perfection of character is essentially unattainable.  Even many evangelical churches, so-called “Christian” denominations, have bought into this lie.

God didn’t sink the Titanic, avaricious men did.  God (or Muslims) didn’t destroy the world trade center, power-mad, greedy bastards hiding behind banks and industry did.  One day, all of this will be made known in such a way that it will be impossible for anyone to ignore and/or deny it.  Till then, the truth will always be there… for anyone with the guts and the mind to receive it!

This Week’s Laugh

Porch Monkey Gunner

Yes, it’s one thing for the resident White House porch monkey to call down on random (false flag) shooters doing their government’s work for them in culling peaceful, law-abiding American citizens/sheep, but it’s quite another thing when you’re probably the most violent person on the earth, heading up the world’s most powerful military machine/international banker goon squad, that’s infiltrating sovereign countries and blowing the bejesus out of them.  Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L B-A-S-T-A-R-D?

Obama is simply another name in the long list of fascist banker-appointed dictators occupying the White House, doing NOTHING of what he said that he would do if he were elected.  Big surprise, there, eh?  They’re all in it together… their corporate masters call the shots… as it were.

Remember that the next time you waste your time voting.

Obama’s got the Rifleman beat, hands down!