It’s In The Genes

Watching videos like this and reading the comments that express incredulity at the carelessness of people amazes those with no comprehension of the reality that they are living in…

People do the things that they do, because, quite frankly, they are stupid.  It’s more than just an absence of education or life experience, it is a genetic thing.  Our race is getting progressively more stupid with each passing generation.  This flies in the face of what the lying-assed ‘science’ community tells us, that we are becoming better with evolution.  We are REGRESSING, not progressing!

Man is a created being, but, sin has separated us from the Source of all wisdom… God… and there isn’t enough inherent genetic material left in us to carry us through or accomplish what our ancestors did.  How does one explain the pyramids in Egypt or the ruins in Tiahuanaco?  Ancient feats that defy even our best explanations?  It is because we are a degenerate race, becoming more degenerate with time.  This fact enables the actions of those that we see in videos like this one and every day in our lives.  People just seem to defy the laws of nature, so that even the most primitive elements in nature behave in a more logical manner.  W must, of course, allow for the influence of demons whom are only interested in preventing our ascension to more lofty and righteousness levels of being.

The infidel scoffs at this, yet none of those seem to have an explanation for this condition than the one that I have already offered, here.  There is no other explanation.  People have got to understand, even with their increasingly limited capacity, that we do not represent the result of millions of years of evolution, we are not the product of some chance-happening in the universe or the result of some fictional “big bang” where everything came from nothing at all.  Not by any natural means, to be sure!  God created everything from nothing, but, that doesn’t involve a random chance-happening, it is the deliberate and conscious action of a divine being as far above us as is the most brilliant philosopher above a particulate of dirt.  Even this comparison is lacking to describe the reality of the situation!

Getting back to the video, nearly 50 years as a professional driver has shown me exactly how far we have regressed.  When I started out in my profession, people were NOT NEARLY as stupid and/or as careless as they are now.  It is an undeniable fact that is very apparent to myself and any other pro with the same experience as I have.  The young and the stupid, of course, scoff at the idea, but, they really have no clue.  Anyway, expect that scenes like the one depicted above can and will only get more prevalent and frequent with the passage of time.  It is the destiny of a race that has turned their backs on their Creator and Savior, the perfect illustration of what the Almighty told the first humans would be their fate from sinning… “You shall surely die.”

And die we do… every single last one of us!

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