Jewish Rite Honored

The little tyke interred here was honored in typical Jewish fashion by the placing of a stone… or in this case, a crystal… on the grave, albeit hidden beneath the marker.  No doubt this was done to deter thieves, whom have little to no regard for anyone but themselves.  One commenter quipped that the little girl was probably enjoying the attention!  Well, it would be literary suicide to introduce any truth into an emotion-ridden forum such as this one.  Whatever reasons the bereaved had for doing what they did, it wouldn’t do to remove the stone, though it had no practical purpose other than for remembrance.

Why did I post this?  I dunno… kind of a slow day, today.  Anyway… the child sleeps the deepest sleep known to man and will remain in that state till her Savior calls her forth.  I have no doubt the child will participate in that grand first ressurection which all of those that believed and were faithful will have a place in.  She wouldn’t have been old enough to put into practice the fallen attributes that she inherited from her parents, so she is guaranteed a place in the coming kingdom.  Whether her siblings and parents are there to greet her or not… well… that’s yet to be seen.

Here’s hoping!

The Highwayman

The Waco Debacle

“That fat Zionist bitch, Janet Reno, has a lot to answer for… not in this world, of course, but God will take her case. People just don’t get it! The government is not now or was it EVER for the people, it’s for the rich bastards pulling it’s strings. Just as it murdered it’s own citizens/serfs/slaves on 911, at the behest of their Zionist masters, these people were murdered, as they were in Oklahoma City, supplied with a fresh list of patsies like McVeigh, from the Waco slaughter.”  (YouTube commenter)

I couldn’t agree more!  As is the case with most major debacles/wars, throughout history, there are self-styled elitists that profit from conflict and use war and conflict to control population levels.  Waco, although caused partly by the inept actions of a fanatical religious faction and their bitter former members, was merely an exercise by the government to attempt to see how far they could push the public and get away with it, to infringe upon sovereign rights and freedoms at will and with impunity.  The innocent and gullible church members’ ignorance was their downfall, putting their trust in a self-seeking and perverse leader and a crooked government under the control of fat Zionist pigs like Reno in the service of communist forces determined to overthrow one of the last bastions of democracy.

Zionst Oinker Janet Reno

This Zionist sow is now dead and awaiting her reward at the hands of One Who cannot be swayed or fooled.  She and her cohorts will pay heavily for their crimes.  Meanwhile, we must always be vigilant that what happened at Waco, 9/11, Oklahoma City and so many other instances in history, does not befall us.  The stupid, programmed and ignorant soldiers of the military will not hesitate to fire on their own citizens, they are the bitches of the Zionist oligarchy.  Time-serving and crooked politicians are no better.  They are ALL out to profit off of your bodies, dear readers, you are cattle to be bought and sold and slaughtered at their leasure.

It’s a long video… but, unless you’re comfortable with your head and ass buried in the sand, you’d better watch it and begin educating yourselves, REALLY educating yourselves, forget about the lies you learned in elitist-sponsored and run public school.  This is the REAL deal… not the fantasy land they want you to live and die in!  Did these simple religious fanatics deserve to die at the hands of an evil and corrupt government out to further it’s own interests at the public’s expense?  You must decide… as YOU might be next in their sights!

Not God’s Chosen Ones!

I can’t add anything to this.  It’s a concise expose of the radical worship that mainline Christianity gives Israel, based upon zero knowledge and total ignorance of scripture…

What is surprising, though, is the fact this video has stayed up on YouTube as long as it has!

It’s In The Genes

Watching videos like this and reading the comments that express incredulity at the carelessness of people amazes those with no comprehension of the reality that they are living in…

People do the things that they do, because, quite frankly, they are stupid.  It’s more than just an absence of education or life experience, it is a genetic thing.  Our race is getting progressively more stupid with each passing generation.  This flies in the face of what the lying-assed ‘science’ community tells us, that we are becoming better with evolution.  We are REGRESSING, not progressing!

Man is a created being, but, sin has separated us from the Source of all wisdom… God… and there isn’t enough inherent genetic material left in us to carry us through or accomplish what our ancestors did.  How does one explain the pyramids in Egypt or the ruins in Tiahuanaco?  Ancient feats that defy even our best explanations?  It is because we are a degenerate race, becoming more degenerate with time.  This fact enables the actions of those that we see in videos like this one and every day in our lives.  People just seem to defy the laws of nature, so that even the most primitive elements in nature behave in a more logical manner.  W must, of course, allow for the influence of demons whom are only interested in preventing our ascension to more lofty and righteousness levels of being.

The infidel scoffs at this, yet none of those seem to have an explanation for this condition than the one that I have already offered, here.  There is no other explanation.  People have got to understand, even with their increasingly limited capacity, that we do not represent the result of millions of years of evolution, we are not the product of some chance-happening in the universe or the result of some fictional “big bang” where everything came from nothing at all.  Not by any natural means, to be sure!  God created everything from nothing, but, that doesn’t involve a random chance-happening, it is the deliberate and conscious action of a divine being as far above us as is the most brilliant philosopher above a particulate of dirt.  Even this comparison is lacking to describe the reality of the situation!

Getting back to the video, nearly 50 years as a professional driver has shown me exactly how far we have regressed.  When I started out in my profession, people were NOT NEARLY as stupid and/or as careless as they are now.  It is an undeniable fact that is very apparent to myself and any other pro with the same experience as I have.  The young and the stupid, of course, scoff at the idea, but, they really have no clue.  Anyway, expect that scenes like the one depicted above can and will only get more prevalent and frequent with the passage of time.  It is the destiny of a race that has turned their backs on their Creator and Savior, the perfect illustration of what the Almighty told the first humans would be their fate from sinning… “You shall surely die.”

And die we do… every single last one of us!

Crooked Cops & Human Trafficking!

It’s been widely discussed on various forums throughout the Internet, particularly in the vaunted “Missing 411” series by David Paulides, himself, a former police officer, about the mystery of so many people disappearing in public parks and elsewhere, every year.  This goes a long way towards explaining how these people can disappear so easily and why there is so much resistance to honest attempts at getting closure on these people and for their families.  When you have crooked cops working for big business and government fat-cats in their agenda to make big bucks off of human misery, along with satisfying certain fetishes that many of them have, (Monte Rio, California figures heavily in this!) it’s not surprising at all.  This writer has long known what the fate of these unfortunates has been, but, you can’t inform a stupid and gullible public about matters that have been relegated to the classification of “Conspiracy”!  The media; most of the major networks, are in the back pocket of these criminals and do their bidding in making truth-seekers out to be cranks and nutcases… and a gullible and self-satiating public play right straight into their grubby hands!

You simply cannot trust the cops… particularly on the federal level.  When Justin Trudeau had all those truckers arrested for demonstrating on the streets of Ottawa, a couple of years back, the cops were all too ready to jump in there and bust heads.  Such is the nature of the force and of the government that currently infests Canada and is slowly destroying it.  We can expect to hear more of these atrocities in the months to come.  The disease called “Liberalism” will never go away, not by any human effort.  For Liberalism is mainly a front for Communism and it has been in existence in one form or another for centuries.  It is simply attempts by a self-styled elite to wreak havoc and control over everyone else.

Keep a close watch on each other, particularly the young, especially when in remote areas like the national parks!  The globalists think all these resources belong to them for their exclusive use, INCLUDING your loved ones!  Mark my words, there are evil, evil men running ALL the governments in this world.  They are all opposed to God and Christ and anyone affiliated with them.  The fool will laugh, the wise will profit from understanding just what this world is and their place in it.  Basically, we are slaves to these monsters, chattel to be bought and sold on a whim and convenience.

CBC Moron Tries Browbeating Minister Over Carbon Tax!

This golf ball is really showing his liberal bias!

Oh, my!  We’re breaking the fucking law!  I guess we better pay that commie asshole’s tax, then, huh?  Never mind the fact that Cuban piece of shit breaks the law with impunity every election… and this par-4 turtle-waxed CBC moron seems oblivious to that fact, while he lays guilt trips on an HONEST citizen, something he or his hero Trudeau know shit about.

Trudeau is well versed in breaking parliamentary procedure and invoking illegal bank account seizures, etc., and this asshole reporter thinks to lecture minister Duncan Dustin on ethics?!  We have this pseudo-prime minister jaunting all over the world on taxpayer’s money, staying in plush hotels on the people’s dime and he thinks to shame Saskatchewan for not following his dictates that are based upon no science at all!


We went through all this bullshit with Al Gore, another damned commie bastard that profited heavily off of this ruse.  Trudeau is now banking on the same bullshit, along with all of the other Henny Penny’s going around stirring up shit for profit.  Be a thinking person and do not follow these morons in their lunacy!

This toady at the CBC seeks to divert some of the heat off his master by going after a legit politician and accusing him of the very things his master does.  He must have shaved off some of his brain along with his hair to be a part of such an obvious criminal organization as is the liberal party and their lackeys in the CBC.

Amenhotep II – The Pharaoh of the Exodus!

Amenhotep II’s Mummy

There he is!  This is what’s left of the mighty pharaoh that some 3500 years ago, opposed God by holding God’s people hostage in Egypt, refusing the demands of Moses to allow them to leave the country.  Amenhotep II, not Ramses, as depicted in popular lore, was the pharaoh of the Exodus.  He is not such an imposing character, today, is he?  Nevertheless, in life, he was one of the most powerful men on earth, if not the most powerful!

Now, his remains are mouldering away in a museum, the life force that once animated him… his very essence… having long ago returned to the Maker he once opposed.  Unconscious, he sleeps the deepest sleep possible, awaiting the day (most likely the second resurrection) when he shall face God once more and receive his due and final judgment.  It’s doubtful that he repented before his death, of course, that is lost to history.  Given his extreme opposition to God, it’s safe to assume he will most likely be consigned to the fire that all those that oppose God will be stricken with, leading to their ultimate destruction from which there is no return.  It will be as if he never was.  Pity, too, so many talented and powerful human beings throughout the history of this world must go this way.  If only… if only these would have submitted to the rightful claims of their Maker over them and worshipped Him, they would have accomplished much more than they ever could have in opposition to Him.

Look at the careworn face of the mummy… try to imagine the things, the events, this man saw in life, the miraculous events none of us today have never or may never witness!  The deaths of his people, army, his older son in the 10th plague; even in the withering effects of millennia, are etched upon the face of Amenhotep’s remains.  The one whom he opposed… Moses… is alive to this day, having been taken to heaven by God after his death, one of the few human beings that didn’t have to wait for the general resurrection at the end of days like the rest of us.  I wonder if Moses ever looks upon the remains of his old foe and contemplates the events that we can only read about?

Those whom ridicule the people of faith and despise God would do well to look upon the visage of Amenhotep II and see the result of a life dedicated to opposing his Maker.  Were it not for the extensive and painstaking efforts of the Egyptian priests in preserving his corpse after his death, there would be nothing left of this haughty ruler.  He would have returned to the dust he came from, long ago.  I believe that he was preserved for these last days as a testimony to the accuracy and power of scripture and of God.  It only remains for us to heed these examples that God in His infinite mercy, provides.