The Most Evil Government On Earth

They say that history is written by the victorious.  In Egypt, all vestiges of the former ruler and government were wiped out by the new pharaoh.  The same could be said for all governments throughout history.  The present governments are all unanimous in their view that the Nazis were the most evil presence of all time.  They fail to consider what many empires did before there was ever a Nazi… or what they did then and now.

Many the Nazi scientist was taken in after the war so their secrets could be learned.  Our so-called democratic and benevolent government was not above profiting from the military and scientific advances that German scientists had developed, despite the atrocities that were committed.  It’s fashionable, right now, to hate on Nazis when the truth is allied forces killed as many or more German people and soldiers as they did.  And what about the victims of communism?  Millions killed under Stalin and Lenin.  Then… there is Unit 731.

The Japanese practised their own brand of barbarism in WWII.  Unit 731 was the covert equivalent of the death camps in Europe and killed as many or more victims as the Nazis did, yet we hear virtually nothing about it.  Again, many of the top ‘scientists’ of this evil program were offered asylum in America for the purpose of learning their secrets.  Our hypocritical leaders felt that it wasn’t wrong to profit off of the proceeds of war.  Let someone else do the dirty work that we would really like to do, but, are constrained by our ‘good boy’ image that we have carefully crafted before the rest of the world!

I say to collaborate with and aid and abet is the same as actually committing the crime, itself.  No, we are all of as guilty and as evil as those we deem the worst in society.  Some by complicency, others by apathy and sheer ignorance, but, we are ALL guilty!