Political System Hopelessly Corrupt


All the hoopla surrounding the American presidential election amounts to a mountain of futility.  It matters little which psychopath gets in, know only that whoever it is will still dance to the tune of the Illuminati bankers/Khazarian Jews.  There is no other way in this fallen world.

I found an interesting assessment of Hillary Clinton on this site… an alternative to the controlled and bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.  However the analysis, these elitist bitches and bastards LONG AGO realized that they needn’t be concerned with telling the truth as the general population are conditioned to ignoring facts that they don’t wish to see.  As Hermann Goering once put it, (generally speaking) if you’re going to lie, make it a BIG one and the public will swallow it.  They won’t question it.

This psychopathic murdering bitch KNOWS she is above the law and the recent email scandals prove that.  She has been ‘under investigation’ for months and the FBI recently announced that they have washed their hands of the evidence.  Any ordinary citizen would have been locked up indefinitely for such crimes, but, Hillary’s status as one of the ‘elite’ assures she will go free… every time.

There’s no use pinning your hopes on Donald Trump, either.  Even if he won, (which he won’t… Hillary has more influential friends) he would still have to follow the status quo and the dictates of the ultra-powerful Jewish bankers, whose holdings and wealth exceeds many hundreds of TRILLIONS of dollars.  These true psychopaths essentially control the entire world and no one is allowed to act against THEIR will.  The people have only one weapon which they are unwilling to use and that is their sovereign independence.  This is what the ruling elite strive to continually hide from the masses, knowing that ignorance is the best weapon that they can deploy.

People STILL after all of these years believe that their salvation come in the form of PARTICIPATING IN A PROCESS THAT HAS CONTINUALLY BEEN PROVEN TO NOT WORK!  They never learn!  Only by simply… SIMPLY denying these maniacs any influence or presence in their lives, by refusing to vote, fight in their wars, obey their laws, etc., will the public ever be free of these parasites.  By refusing to hear the truth and calling those that speak the truth fanatics and conspiracy cranks, the stupid public ENSURE their slavery.

Eventually, when things have gotten to the point where our very existence is threatened, God will intervene… He has to, man has no power to resist those that have been allowed to gain the upper hand against society.  Were it not for the retraining power of God, civilization would most likely have disappeared long before this.  Man is simply too stupid to govern himself.  Either God or Satan will do the job… so far, it’s been Satan, as the current state of affairs overwhelmingly shows.  God restrains the evil one from totally destroying us, though in the end, many will have to be ‘euthanized’ simply because their minds are not conditioned to accept divine rule over their lives.  This is a requirement for an eternity living in a sinless universe and God cannot force His rule upon anyone.  It is the only humane thing to do, given that it is all a matter of choice with those involved.

Dedicated infidels like those in the ruling elite could never be happy subservient to God.  Lesser stooges such as shills in the pseudo-sciences like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and their ilk, themselves, full-time mockers of God and His followers, would not be happy living next to those that they mocked for eternity.  They, along with their chosen master, Satan must perish, for the good of all of those that have made the choice for right.  If allowed to live, not only would living next to those that they despise forever be a living hell, they would be a cancerous drain on the repentant.  As long as they are allowed to exist, sin would in fact NOT be eliminated from the universe and there could always be the chance that a similar uprising might occur like the one that spawned the order of things that we have now.

Anyway, the current societal system simply doesn’t work, nor can it ever.  Americans still cling to the hope that somehow, somewhere, sometime, the right person will come along and save them all from themselves.  Wishful thinking!  The only thing that is being established is a stronger and tighter stranglehold by the self-professed ‘elite’ around their collective necks.  Elitist bitches like “Hellary” Clinton will always rule as long as ignorance is embraced.


Today’s LOL… Christopher Hitchens!

Everyone’s favorite bloated pseudo-intellect comes on the Daily Show, drunk as usual…

Now… if I were to write a book… IF I WERE TO WRITE A BOOKIF I WERE TO WRITE A BOOK

… I’d definitely not include drink and nicotine as a means of inspiration…


Now… which one would YOU hire to write a book for you…



I thought so.  No booze, no nicotine, no sweaty, smelly armpits, no slurred, nasal words… just a clean-cut, intelligent alternative to the usual evolutardism that we’re all inundated with, 24/7.

Guess which one’s still alive and healthy, too?

Idiot Anti-theist Out Of His Element


Bob McDonald










The celebrated (can’t figure out why) host of CBC’s “Quirks and Quarks” was playing a little out of his yard, today.  Normally, unless it’s to slam religion, ol’ Bob tends to stay away from the subject of faith.  Today, on the program, he was interviewing some scientist that is developing a new process to virtually unravel ancient scripts that have been too badly damaged to physically unravel or touch.  Of course, this involved delving into some biblical history, a subject that I’m sure gave our resident infidel hives.

Not wanting to get too much into the tech of things, basically, these guys have figured out a way (they think) of ‘CAT-scanning’ the ancient rotten and charred script that was discovered in the ruins of an old synagogue that had been razed by some occupying enemy, thousands of years ago.  Bob was forced to be civil in his questions, given that he was talking to a scientist and not a theologian or the like.  Of course, there was enough science interjected that he was kept from dozing off.

In the past, McDonald has been quite vociferous in his mockery of religion, as is the common thing with anti-theists.  Anti-theists, like McDonald, however, all claim to be atheists.  Of course, one of their own has chastised them for making such claims… Christopher Hitchens.  Hitchens is, of course, dead, awaiting the second advent of the Lord, which, I’m sure, will be a big surprise to this dedicated infidel.  It will be a big surprise to a lot of “atheists”, like one particularly annoying shit stain – Richard Dawkins.  It’s these that garner the disrespect that I have for those not of the faith.  True undecided people (atheists) do not attract negative regard from me, but, assholes like McDonald and Dawkins always do.

So, if you’re ever so fucking bored that you wish to check out the CBC, that politically correct mouthpiece of the Illuminati, check out Bob’s show… be prepared for a good laugh as he delves into the nitty-gritty of infidel science… he LOVES dem big numbers, folks!

Ancient Evidence For Intelligent Design

Science, today, has a hard time believing that it isn’t the end-all in everything.  The anti-theist movement, concentrated in great number on certain mediums like YouTube, have virtually taken over with many videos supposedly debunking religion and with the intention of eliminating religion from society.  An anti-theist, by definition, (defined by that great anti-theist, himself – Christopher Hitchens) is opposed to any form of faith-based system.  Of course, most of these fail to recognize that their beliefs are founded only on the say-so of their gurus that they prefer to call scientists.

This would place them in basically the same category as those that they disdain.  Of course they deny this reality and claim that only physical and tangible evidence arrived at through experimentation and observation can be considered credible for acceptance as fact.  This they accept from their natural science gurus through humanism… which is just the modern term for paganism, the worship of natural forces as creator and guide.  The idea of a personal living God is unacceptable to the modern pagan, preferring to place their fate in the belief that they are here by chance and have no future beyond this life.

There is plenty of evidence supporting intelligent design, enough even for the most hardened humanist to base some rudimentary belief that the universe is ordered by omnipotence.  They claim there is none, however, and since they demand hard proof, I found this video to supply even the most stubborn infidel with the evidence they demand…

What greater evidence is there that the universe is ordered than that provided by the mathematical precision that these ancient structures appear to be designed and built with?  The fact that there is a universal constant that seems to pervade the entire observable universe?  What infidel can deny what these artifacts provide by their very existence, today?

These provide the necessary criteria for any unbeliever to reconsider what they have been programmed almost from birth to believe… that they are merely the products of chance and pure randomness and not the children of an omnipotent and omniscient God!

“Zinnia” Jones… Whackjob Extraordinaire!


“Zinnia” Jones

In what will be the first of a series of bios on selected infidels and other strange sociological phenomena, our attention today will be tuned to one particularly disturbed something-or-another calling itself “Zinnia” Jones.  This something-or-another started out life as a human male, then decided that life was rather boring being normal and chose to become… well… what you see here.  It calls itself “transgender”, now.  Fine.  Whatever works, I say.  Not willing to leave it at that, “Zinnia” is part of a movement that is trying to destroy faith-based ideologies and religion, favoring secular humanism – itself a religion of pagan origin – for their desired world view.  This movement involves many well-known atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers, the now-deceased Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, etc.  All of these are and were notable in their arrogance and for their vitriolic attacks upon religion, especially Christianity.  I’ve had dealings with them all, over the years, and I can tell you these are not nice people when the chips are down… those that are still people, that is.

Getting back to our featured freakshow, “Zinnia” started out life as an apparently normal-looking human male… normal on the outside, though evidently inside some serious shit was going on that eventually resulted in the mutation that we now have before us.  From what I’ve bothered to glean from the background of this creature, it now has a domestic arrangement with some other freak and there are two children involved.  Yeah… pray for the kids, folks!  They’re going to need all the help they can get going through life, as if that weren’t tough enough for all of us.  It’s having a fetish for rats, too, (maybe it eats them?) is something that the kiddies will have to deal with in their association with their strange ‘parent’.

Jones has a YouTube channel where it posts all kinds of vitriolic drivel against faith-driven organizations and churches.  As I mentioned, I’ve posted comments on it’s channel various times throughout the years, they are generally ignored except for the occasional insult by either it or some of it’s followers, many of these otherwise normal people seeking only to be politically correct and loved by ANYTHING.  (I’m trying to be nice, here!)  Trouble is, “Zinnia” isn’t about love, it’s about cold and lifeless humanism and the tormented mind that inhabits that humanoid encasement unfortunate enough to have to host it dwells on this incessantly.  Lord knows the shit that body has gone through in this entity’s quest for self-determination!

Giving the devil it’s due, the thing is quite intelligent and no novice believer ought to try taking it on in a debate, especially on it’s chosen track of beliefs.  It will generally run circles around the average honest God-fearing soul, having years of experience in defending itself against attacks from every quarter of religion and from trolls simply out to torment what is left of the humanity trapped inside that ostensibly humanoid encasement.

All jokes aside, Jones and company are a sad lot that are seriously out of touch with reality.  Science, while good and proper in it’s intended use, does not have relevance outside of the fact that God is it’s originator and this universe functions because of the principles that He designed and put into play to operate and sustain it.  So-called atheists (really anti-theists) have attempted to hijack science as something that exists apart from God and in place of God.  The two have always been compatible, however, infidels seem to think that they, themselves, are the true authors and defenders of what we generally call science.  Infidels claim that science is something that no believer can rightfully espouse and still be what they claim to be.  Wrong, on all counts!

Jones is to be pitied… or laughed at, depending on your point of view.  Taken seriously?  No.  Simply no.  When you’re this fucked up in the head to do what Jones has and does, one cannot take anything this freak says seriously.  I suppose everything that it’s done to itself over the years, theoretically, could be reversed… physically, anyway.  Psychologically, that poses a different challenge.  Normal is something that Jones has never been, so I doubt the mindset Jones has could ever be reversed.  Perhaps God can take that into account in His judgment of Jones… I would hope so, for what it’s worth.

Too bad that so many have been influenced by it and those other opponents of truth, though.