Ex-JTF2 Commando vs. Canadian Government!

Here is a revealing video about what happens to those that oppose the Canadian Government’s bogus Covid pandemic program… reaching up as far as the government’s elite special forces!

Dallas Alexander, ex-JTF2 operative and sniper has taken considerable heat for his convictions by a corrupt military and medical system, despite being a recognized hero in this country’s compliance in new world order expansionist plans and agendas.  He goes into the current “wokeism” that has infiltrated society and government, even the military, with it’s intentions of watering down all initiative and effectiveness of these institutions, as well as schools, poisoning the minds of our youth and reducing them to mindless and compliant zombies, only concerned with satisfying their most basic needs.

Unlike the host of this video, I need not concern myself with losing “subs” or “likes” or losing friends, groupies, whatever.  I am telling it like it is and if my readers are willing to remain ignorant and stupid, mindless collaborators with the globalist pigs that are trying to destroy this country and if society, as a whole, is willing to sell themselves like cheap sluts to these elitist freaks, I guess that’s their privilege.  However, it is a privilege that won’t last very damned long, for when these globalists get the control base they’re after, society will see a crackdown of their rights and freedoms that will be unparalleled in all of history.

Mention is made of how what was once considered the ravings of conspiracy theorists is now REALITY.  Of course, the stupid among society decry everything their small minds consider unthinkable conspiracy crap.  Like moronic herd animals, they hang on every word their ‘experts’ tell them and have long since shut off their brains and any common sense they may have been born with.  This veteran has been places the sheep of society will never see or even dream of and knows what the agenda is all about.  Even he has a hard time overcoming the programming he has received along with everyone else that the only truth is from those in leadership, though these prove daily that they cannot be trusted around the corner.

The Covid scam… 9/11… among many other debacles, are and were all set up with one objective: to help bring society to it’s knees and under the control of an ‘elite’ FEW.  People need to learn that they are lied to on a daily basis and that their governments control them, NOT the other way around.  How does one explain what one has accrued in over 50 years of training and knowledge to a public whose only concern is ramming fast food into their mouths and last night’s sports scores?  Does the country have to devolve into a communist shit hole before people wake the hell up?

If the old Highwayman’s word is no good, take it from one of your young heroes, that is, if you can pry your indifferent and lazy eyelids open long enough to watch this video!  To make it a little easier on the lazy among us, the first half is devoted to his experiences defying the Covid mania, the rest deals with his drug and alcohol problems that were the result of losing his career for not conforming with the tyrannical government’s mandate of getting jabbed by the poison contained in the Covid shot.  If you think you can invest the time out of your busy schedule of doing comparatively fuck-all to learn something worthwhile, go ahead… or not… depending upon how important you feel your personal rights and freedoms are.