Is There A God?

Two goldfish were having a heated discussion, one day, about whether or not there was a God.  One was determined that there wasn’t, due to the slavish circumstances surrounding what it deemed a purposeless, dreary existence.  “How could there be a God when our lives are so meaningless and boring?”  The other fish snapped back: “Okay, wise guy… there’s no God you say?  Who changes the water every day?”

Science tells us that we are here merely as a result of some cosmic burp… a random chance happening of incredible odds.  Essentially, we are something that has come from nothing at all.  It all started at a single, microscopic nexus, with all matter comprising everything that now is focused into a single point that could sit quite comfortably on the head of a needle.  Suddenly, this immense concentration of everything is released in a catastrophic blast that is really incomprehensible to a mortal mind, with the result being the universe that we now have and are a part of.  All the matter contained within that single point is now spreading outward throughout the space we call “universe”, seemingly forever into more and more space!

From this initial occurrence, our galaxy, solar system and world were created, and, eventually, we, ourselves, came to be in circumstances quite similar with regards to the odds against as with the universe itself.  Scientists tell us that we have come from a highly organized and condensed primal universe to one that is continuously becoming less organized and erratic.  The term that they use for this is called “Entropy”.

But, is science talking out both sides of it’s mouth, here?  First we have a universe that seems hell bent upon dissolving into a state of total dissolution, while on the other hand claiming that we are a process of evolution – that we are becoming better with time.  It would seem that a universe in entropic decline DENIES such a hypotheses, that as products of said universe, we ought also be headed toward that same state of de-evolution.  How can we be evolving when everything around us is in decline and tending toward dissolution?  Science needs to get it’s story straight!

Anyone that has lived for even a moderate amount of time on earth knows that everything tends toward corruption and eventual destruction.  New cars rust.  People age and eventually die.  Nothing escapes entropy, it is a natural state for this universe.  We cannot ever get better than what we started at.  Yes, a baby cannot accomplish the things that an adult or older child can, however, the curve of life eventually directs us back along the line that leads to a state of nothingness.  In an entropic universe, this is inevitable… unavoidable.

Science tells us that we are merely a product of chance.  But, according to the testimony of the universe, chance happenings cannot be, due to entropy.  The second law of thermodynamics supports this stating that the total entropy can never decrease over time for an isolated system, that is, in a system which neither energy nor matter can enter nor leave. The total entropy can remain constant in ideal cases where the system is in a steady state, or is undergoing a reversible process. In all other real cases, the total entropy (dissolution) always increases and the process is irreversible. The increase in entropy accounts for the irreversibility of natural processes, and the asymmetry between future and past.

Scripture tells us that in the beginning everything was good… perfect.  At the advent of sin that all changed.  Despite the protests of unbelievers, the universal model tends to support this assertion.  As we age we do not improve.  Our bodies weaken.  Our minds get cloudy.  Our eyes get dimmer, etc.  In essence, we are merely shadows of what we once were in younger days.  Even society as a whole seems to follow the path of entropy with everything tending toward dissolution and eventual collapse.  How often we wish for older and simpler times!  Is this the evolution touted by the powers that be?  Should there be any corruption and evil if things can only evolve toward the better?

Entropy speaks of a system that cannot be reversed.  That would apply in a closed system described by science pertaining to the one we live in now.  What if there were a God?  Scripture says that the entropic reality we now have is merely temporary… “where moth and rust doth corrupt”.  Believe what you will, however, if we look to the example of the ever-expanding, entropic universe before us and around us, the evidence is more for God than evolution.  Evolution speaks of betterment and improvement with time.  The natural state of the earth and man and all living things tells a different story.

We can’t have it both ways.  Either the scientists are right in their theories and we disbelieve what is right there before our eyes in terms of entropy or that which testifies of divine intervention which goes along with the natural order of things.

California Modern Babylon

There seems to be a never-ending supply of material out there as the unwitting dupes of the Illuminati new world order proponents continue to push their masters’ deviant totalitarian plan for the world.

Check out the latest lunacy…

Just when you think you’ve hit rock bottom, along comes another brain-deadening example of what happens to a world when it departs from it’s maker.  The reality of this is that this really shouldn’t be a concern for a world that supposedly popped into existence from nothing at all and evolved entirely on it’s own (at astronomical odds) into the mess we have now.  “Mess”?  Oh… sorry.  I meant to say that it really can’t be considered a mess, just a product of some form of evolution.

After all, if we really are simply a chance happening, what difference does it make that men want to dress like female clowns and bugger each other and call themselves “X”s?  Is it any stranger than finding another form of life on some other planet?  What’s wrong if evolution is the FACT?  Who says we have to look and behave a certain way or even have a concept of right and wrong, only self-preservation by any and all means?  The strong SHOULD rule and the weak die out!

Trouble is… there is a large segment of society, the predominant segment, that believes that this sort of thing is deviant behavior AND NOT NORMAL!!!  Oh… did I give myself away?  LOL!  The thing is that I have never subscribed to this kind of behavior as I know that evolution is simply one other facet of the same devious plan that gave birth to the garbage portrayed in the video… I KNOW MANKIND WAS A PLANNED EVENT BY A SUPREME BEING!!!  And many are put off by homosexuality in it’s many forms, yet still play into it by not accepting creationism!

Society really is two-faced!  Oh well… it’s all going to come to a grinding halt one of these days.  I used to say it would all end very soon… I really don’t know, anymore.  Perhaps it can ‘drag’ on for decades more, who knows?  One thing is sure is that will definitely end when those of us that are alive now are dead.

Can those left behind deal with the insanity that we are perpetrating in this world, today?  That will be the question!

Faith – A Higher Form of Math

If you remember your school days, (and it’s getting harder and harder for me, lol!) you might remember making the transition from standard math to algebra or trigonometry.  If you are/were like I was, it was like learning a whole new language, which I still haven’t mastered by any means.  Nevertheless, this new math was touted by our instructors as being superior to the old math we understood before.  I never did catch on, try as I might.  Others seemed to and were happy with it.  I therefore concluded that it had some practical use, though I couldn’t employ it outside of the classroom in any suitable way.

I sometimes compare this with religion and science.  The modern day educational system employs humanist teachings, theories that exclude any possibility that man is a created being or that there is a creator.  This is dogmatically asserted to us as students in the secular system with as much fervor as theology is in most churches.  Any dissenters are of course treated as anathema and written off intellectually, as would be anyone found teaching or believing heresy in the church.

I have often been accosted with the line that I cannot provide conclusive proof that God exists.  For me, it is a no-brainer, given the complexity of the natural world and man.  Others, though, seem to have a problem understanding this higher math.  They seem to need long and indefinite periods of time and systematic evolutionary stages to reach a certain stage of development like we have as human beings.  They cannot seem to comprehend the simple forthright statement: “God created man from the dust of the earth.”  For me, any omnipotent being should be able to pull off something like this with ease, given their omnipotence.  For a finite construction like man, this would naturally be an impossible feat.

To assume there is no higher math than what we can comprehend is folly.  To adjust and modify something so that it makes sense to us is also folly.  Reality does not have to conform to our predetermined biases or preferences.  True, this can be reversed in favor of the humanist view, however, I have the advantage of having previously held to that math.  I was as dogmatic about it as the other guy… till I learned a higher and better math.  It was always out there, I merely had to evolve to meet it.

Faith is the understanding that there just might possibly be things out there that I have not yet encountered and/or be beyond my ability to comprehend.  Just as it was with the algebra I couldn’t fathom, nevertheless, it existed and was a proven science.  Evolutionists claim they have the ‘truth’ and it’s verifiable, but, there are still (like with algebra) many variables and many theories, many which require a faith of their own to accept, being beyond the ability of the common man to prove or disprove.  For the person of faith, it is pretty much the standard in dealing with forces that one ostensibly cannot or cannot ever fully understand.

In essence, the created can never understand the creator… nor should it have to.  How’s that for a leap of faith?  Do I require a complete understanding of He that made me?  I’m here and enjoying the life He gave me… need I question any more?  Perhaps if I were aspiring to godhood, myself, this might be a valid question.  Experience has taught me, though, I would make a poor deity.

Actually, I wouldn’t want the job, I don’t like people that much.